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21 Zen Buddhism During the Tokugawa Period: The Challenge to Go Beyond Sectarian Consciousness by Michel Mohr has been added to the Zen Historical page
7 A link to Avram Alpert's On the Role of Zen Buddhism in the Stories of J.D. Salinger has been added to Philosophical Zen page
12 Lecture 2: The Illiterate Prodigy: Sixth Patriarch Huineng by Ven. Jian Hu has been added to Historical Zen page


08 Two Dogmas of Zen Buddhism by George Wrisley has been added to Philosophical Zen page
09 The Heart Sutra: A Chinese Apocryphal Text? by Jan Nattier has been added to Historical Zen page
07 Zen Rhetoric: An Introduction by Christoph Anderl has been added to Philosophical Zen page
06 Is It Possible for an Entire Sangha to be ‘Defeated’ in the Holy Life? by Brian Victoria has been added to Critical Zen page


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